Monday, March 18, 2013

A Tree & a Small Drop of Rain

I write with my heart,
but the pieces are scattered,
stuck in the pages of another time,
sealed in a book somewhere,
dripping out in small drops of rain.

(March 11, 2013)


When I walked by this tree, I saw a little face in his trunk. The first time I noticed it, I smiled wide. I had my camera with me, but didn't feel that I had time to stop. "Next time", I said to myself. I walked by that face a few times before I finally snapped a photo. It's nice to know that the very simplest things can bring a smile to my face and even induce laughter at the thought of it and what reaches me and when. I love when life surprises and provides these little gifts. This here is a photo of that tree that tickled my being into laughter.

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