Friday, August 5, 2011

Morning Ruckus

Even though there is still plenty of Summer left, the feeling of Fall is near. A calmness— a brittleness in the distance, of tiny branches crackling—Blue Jays collecting. I heard the Crows the other morning. They are an annoyance to my significant other, but to me their ca-cawing is music—if not a smooth melody, a little out of tune, I drink it in just the same. I wondered why they were making such a ruckus, though, on that morning—it was out of the norm. I peeked outside and saw a crew of them and then I had forgotten that, oh yes, someone had placed a bird feeder up in the tree a few windows down. The crows were mostly sharing the seed, but there was one that was kept at bay—they would not let him join in for some reason—and that was why there was so much noise on that morning.


I downloaded a poetry App from the iTunes store that simulates the magnetic poetry concept, only you move tiles around with your fingers instead of picking them up.

Here’s a link for more information. It’s initially free and then if you’d like to purchase different “packages” there is a small fee.

Here’s a poem that I made with the App. The photo is a screenshot of it.


Consider that

Pause       showing
then growl
flop to the fountains
question the fault
give change
well considered


Happy weekend and Happy writing!

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