Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nothing in Particular


Today is addition day, and I feel like I’m having a dejavu. Did I write about addition day on 4-6-10? I have a hunch I did, but I’m not going to look.

I hear people closing their car doors, getting ready for their days—cars passing—the sound travels up through the open window, conjuring images of the sea: A deep resonance gushes through a padded tube of silver and white glitter, folding and unfolding. 

Busy season is upon the office again—tax season. It’s different this year for many reasons. It’s busy, but not as much as last year; or rather, it’s a different kind of busy and I’m in a different place, literally and figuratively. Although I like the mad rush sometimes, I will be glad when April 18 arrives. We will be able to let out a sigh of relief and take our usual reprieve the day after when the office closes.

Yesterday when I walked to the post office, I felt peace at the sight of the plum trees raining white blossoms, and of the breeze helping the yellow butterfly along. It was a treat to see that butterfly, since I had posted something about a butterfly that morning. It brought a smile to my face. I felt goose bumps down my arms and the sweet smell of Spring greeting my nose, and then the black bird streaked through the sky, right through the raining petals from the swaying tree.


Tiffany said...

My office is also in busy season and I'm eagerly waiting for my vacaton which arrives April 19th. sigh of relief!

keiko amano said...


I'm glad a butterfly came by to cheer you up. Today, I'm wearing orangeish red shirt. Please consider me another butterfly landed on your blog.

Rebb said...

Hi Moonwillow, This is crunch week and of course we have the usual last minute procrastinators. I’m glad you have a vacation to look forward too. A sigh of relief indeed!

Rebb said...

Hi Keiko, I’m glad to hear a light tone in your voice. I hope you are doing well and holding up. I’m so very pleased that you, another beautiful butterfly, have landed on my blog—thank you. :)

jiturajgor said...

Hi Rebb,this is a nice post.How nicely you gathered words for so simple event of daily life!

Rebb said...

Hi Jitu, Always nice to see you. I tried to click on your “hi” blog but nothing happened. Thank you for your comments.

jiturajgor said...

Rebb, I have some problem in posting blogs on various sites including redroom so I was checking with blogger with one word blog 'Hi',It worked unaffected as usual so I deleted it.Thanks for trying.