Tuesday, February 14, 2012

MOOn Moment ~ HOwl Talk

Today the muse is Keiko Amano, her blogs and our exchanges. It came to me at work in a moment. It felt playful and fun. I quickly took a pencil and scribbled quickly on a post-it note in pencil and slipped it into my satchel.

All this talk about Howl

       SOund of Haru

Is making the mOOn


Moon dust everywhere.

       Aroo, Owwooo,

Ow, ow, ow, Aroo.



keiko amano said...


I love it especially onomatopoeia! It's funny, I didn't even see this post this morning. I just found it a few seconds ago.


Rebb said...

Keiko, I'm glad you like it! It's amazing...if we didn't start talking about howling, your poem, and everything else, it would not have come to me in a flash.

I love the process!


keiko amano said...
